Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder often associated with a failure to breathe properly while unconscious. It is oftentimes most associated with snoring, although just because a person snores, it does not mean they are guaranteed to have sleep apnea. In addition, some causes of sleep apnea may not even be from obstructed airways at all, but rather a failed signal from the brain to the muscles responsible for breathing.
You could be at an increased risk for sleep apnea and not even know it. Here are some risks to watch out for:
— Sleep apnea is most commonly found in males over the age of 40.
— Enlarged tonsils, susceptible genetics, a deviated septum, and various allergies are all risks for sleep apnea that you may have no control over.
— Your body’s position as you sleep could heighten your risk for obstructed airways and sleep apnea.
— Sleep apnea is commonly spotted in patients who snore while asleep.
— If you are overweight, you are at a heightened risk for sleep apnea.
— If you experience a temporomandibular disorder, also called TMD, you could be at an increased risk for sleep apnea.
If you currently experience mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea, Dr. Christopher Lillo may recommend an oral appliance to wear while you sleep. This appliance fits comfortably over your teeth and keeps your airway open while you get a good night’s sleep.
If you would like to know more about treating sleep apnea at Oak Ridge Dental Group, we invite you to call our team in Toms River, New Jersey, by calling 732-341-1120. Dr. Christopher Lillo and the rest of our experienced staff look forward to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams and the sleep you deserve!