Are you aware of the basics of what you should do in the event of an oral emergency? Do you know that even if you have a tooth knocked from your mouth, it may still be possible for your dentist to save the tooth? Knowing what to do after an oral accident or injury is crucial for ensuring your recovery is as successful as possible. For a better understanding of the basics of oral emergencies, listed below are 3 common accidents concerning oral emergencies:
If you have an item lodged between your teeth, do not try to pry it out with a sharp instrument. Doing so can injure your gums, teeth, or entire mouth. Alternatively, use an interdental cleaning utensil such as threaded floss or a water flosser to help loosen the item until it can be safely removed.
If you have ever bitten your tongue, gums, or lips, it may seem trivial, but an open wound can lead to infection. Rinse the area cleanly with clean water and apply gauze until bleeding stops. If the bleeding is too substantial, you may have to visit your doctor for a set of stitches to close the wound.
Cracked and chipped teeth can occur from a wide variety of sources, some of which may be avoidable, but many that cannot be. Be prepared for damaged teeth, by instantly cleaning the area of debris and applying gauze until the bleeding has fully stopped.
For more oral emergency advice and help from our team at Oak Ridge Dental Group, come in for a visit. If you would like an oral exam from Dr. Christopher Lillo, please book an appointment to come see us at our dentist office in Toms River, New Jersey. We can be reached at 732-341-1120. Come on in to learn more about your options to get the bright and healthy smile you’ve always wanted.