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Do you have teeth that have become stained, yellowed, or dull? We would like to invite you into our office for a tooth whitening treatment using the innovative and easy-to-use Philips® Zoom WhiteSpeed®. This in-office whitening method is widely known for its ability to whiten teeth up to 8 shades in less time than it takes to run to your local grocery and back.

It’s one of the top requests from patients looking for an effective whitening system that works efficiently and quickly. Against other professional whitening alternatives, it shows clinically superior results any user will be happy to show to others.

The combination of pH boosters in the whitening gel and WhiteSpeed’s advanced blue LED light technology delivers the results you want in just one visit to Dr. Christopher Lillo’s office in Toms River, New Jersey. It’s the fastest way to get the look you desire without a long procedure stopping you from spreading your smile wide and proud for all to see.

Non-professional whitening treatments offered in over-the-counter products like toothpaste and whitening strips vary in their effectiveness, price, and how many times you have to use them. With Philips® Zoom Whitespeed®, you can count on how efficient, quick, and safe they are to use. They can remove stains, discolorations, and can be used to do fast touchups when needed. To get the teeth whitening care you deserve, give Oak Ridge Dental Group a call at 732-341-1120 for a consultation or an appointment today!